Effective way to increase the Alexa Rank | Tutorial SEO Pemula Effective way to increase the Alexa Rank | Tutorial SEO Pemula
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Effective way to increase the Alexa Rank

Effective way to increase the Alexa Rank

Effective way to increase the Alexa Rank - Alexa, one of the subsidiaries of the amazon. That is a site that provides information on a blog or web traffic from a variety of criteria. Various people consider the services of this site is very important because the quality of this site to read a blog or web traffic from visitors who berlalulintas amount of traffic your blog or website which is already embed script provided by alexa traffic to reading, but also there are some who think this is less important and prioritize other things like google pagerank alexa different, which prefer the google pagerank quality backlinks as calculating traffic of a blog or website.

In my opinion, this site is reliable enough to monitor traffic to our blog. As great as this is our blog traffic with other blogs that are in the virtual world. In terms of what is the ranking of a blog on our perch, the type of visitors that visit, search keywords that are often searched, whether old or visitors come (bounce rate), number of page views, and others. Alexa also be relied upon to strengthen the fame of a blog or website in the eyes of visitors and more away in the eyes of advertisers. Increasing the latest Alexa rank exactly easy easy difficult. We have to balance the quality of the blog in various points. For more details can be pal note the following points to be used as weapon to increase Alexa rank.

  • Make sure your blog or web buddies alexa already registered on the site. And do not forget to install the widget trafficnya as a tool for monitoring the rank of your blog. These points can also be said to be an important role for improving the alexa rank. Because Alexa interaction through this widget updates every day.

  • Alexa rank is also monitoring your blog rank of alexa toolbar installed in your browser buddies. So immediately plug buddies Alexa toolbar on the browser to be used as a powerful weapon not improve alexa rank promotion loh: p. And the trick, my friend can drive around your blog to increase pageviews and verify the alexa toolbar has been installed.

  • Perhaps one way is too unreliable. That is, make a blog or a web buddies as the homepage in the browser. So every buddies open the browser will automatically open your blog itself. This trick can also use diwarnet buddies, so every user is online at the cafe if you open the browser will be directed to your blog. But be careful, is quite an extreme way as do public place.

  • This point may also be a weapon to increase alexa rank. That should be a lot of comments your blog is wandering in your blog post. So, buddies should be smart to make a quality article to provoke a lot of the comments from the visitors. Well, make sure that the comments were good and qualified. Not spam.

  • The last point is traffic. While there are many ways in which to improve alexa rank, still the main thing is traffic. It is associated with a google pagerank. A blog that has great traffic, then the blog that will keep big on all sides rank. The key is quality backlinks, and the original article as well qualified, friendly to search engines alias indexed by search engines.

The points it is an experience that I have ever done, it is proven as well. Blog it like a pet, if taken care of the animal will be faithful and good to us. If not, the pet will be moody and can be vague. Similarly, the blog, the blog if not taken care of traffic will decrease. So, buddies role in taking care of the blog is also important to increase the Alexa rank. Maybe that's all from me for a powerful way to quickly improve your Alexa rank, more or less apologize. May be useful


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